Welcome to "Modern TT"

MODERN TT: FOR WHOM? Modern TT is intended for table tennis coaches who are in a perpetual search for solutions to teach this sport. MODERN TT: WHAT CONTENT? The Modern TT e-journal will focus on a particular theme for each dossier, which will appear in all the sections of the e-journal. You will find mainly as content, conceptions of the teaching of table tennis, professional approaches, projects, educational innovations in response to a professional problem of coaches, eager to share their reflections and their professional actions to a large audience. To date, this e-review will be composed of different sections: 1- conception of teaching table tennis: in this part of the review, you will find articles highlighting conceptions of teaching table tennis , these being in connection with "the player" where the place of "the human" is very present.2- "one speaks about it?" : within this section, a zoom will be put on a particular theme 3 - professional problems: here it is a question of extracting professional problems of the coaching profession and providing elements of answers, avenues of reflection, to the coaches who are confronted with the problems raised and being, to date, in difficulty to overcome the problem 4- sports project: within this section, you will have access to innovative sports projects that can be used within your structures in order to widen your field of possible 5- free words: the period is left free in this section; it is about giving the floor to coaches to express positive and pleasant experiences that they have had during the exercise of their profession, whether in training and / or in competition The various contents present in this e-review, are likely to bring you different ideas to complete and enrich your training sessions and these can potentially shake up your conception and invite you to perceive the teaching of table tennis from a different angle. MODERN TT: WHO WRITE? Who writes in the e-journal? Well, it's you! Dynamic and innovative trainers! No worries for those who would like to embark on the adventure! I will assist you in writing your articles according to your needs!

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File n ° 1: Discovering Modern TT

Call for contributions: click here


Discover those who contributed to the e-review through the sharing of their practice, their reflections, their testimonies. Thank you all for bringing this e-magazine to life!

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