Call for papers

Do you want to submit an article? I invite you to send me a summary of your text in order to give you a first feedback, before embarking on the full writing of the article. I can assist you in writing your article to help you reach the end of your writing project. If you wish to send documents and / or if you have photos to send to illustrate your text, this will be particularly appreciated. Regarding photos, an image rights document will however have to be completed in order to respect everyone's freedoms. The final and finalized proposals must be sent by December 31, 2020 at the latest to

Part n ° 1: Thoughts on @nimation

This first part of the file aims to make a general inventory of the reflections that animation professionals may have during their profession, but also on a particular theme. There is a desire to question one's profession and take the time to reflect.

"Free talk"

Within this section, you have the possibility to share your conception of the animation. You can share with us your vision of the profession, the way in which you understand it, the evolutions and the problems that you may encounter. The idea here is to, without showing judgment, to identify the different ways animation professionals have of seeing their profession. The interest of this part of the file is to enrich your point of view by having access to different ways of perceiving your profession, whether you are a facilitator or director.

"Benevolence: let's talk about it"

The interest of this section is to put a focus on a notion or a concept very present in the world of animation and to pay particular attention to this theme. How? 'Or' What ? By defining what is meant here by benevolence, by questioning it, by positioning oneself whether it is necessary or not, by explaining how to bring it to life if benevolence seems important to you, by showing its possible limits ... The idea is to have a more global vision on one side and at the same time more precise on the other, of the benevolence due to the different proposals that will be made.

Part n ° 2: The educational trunk

In this section, it is about being at the heart of the profession of director and facilitator. There is here a desire here to: 1- bring out the problems with which directors and facilitators may be confronted within the framework of their function and to highlight the solutions which have been put in place and which have proved their worth; the idea is that this section is a place of sharing of positive and motivating experiences and that these can be inspiring for the greatest number 2- make concrete proposals of activities which are "original" in order to enrich the everyone's practices

"Directors' corner"

1- In this first dossier of this e-review, I suggest that you deal with the theme of the management of an animation team. Here are some avenues for reflection to help you choose an orientation for your proposal: - what degree of autonomy left to the animators in the daily management? - what place does the director occupy in the preparation of the activities? - how to manage the heterogeneity of the skills of the facilitators? - what place is given to the collective / individual preparation of the activities? - what place is given to the proposals of the animators for the development of the collective reception of minors? 2- In connection with this theme related to the management of an animation team, I suggest you, directors, to share with animation professionals, a concrete tool or an approach that you will take care of. explain, which allows you to manage the diversity of the skills of your facilitators during a stay in ACM with or without accommodation.

"The animators' corner"

1- I suggest that you share your successes in terms of your ability to gain respect from children. - in your opinion, at what point do you consider that a child shows respect? - does he respect the instructions, or does he respect the facilitator? - what do you think is essential for a child to respect you? - how did you proceed to gain the respect of children? 2- As for concrete proposals, I would like to focus on this first dossier on "short" games and "big games": - "short" games requiring little or no material. The type of game that will last ten to fifteen minutes and that we will do while waiting for the bus after an outing or during free time with young people for example. - the great games: you have discovered a new great game, innovated, or even created your own great game and you want to share it! You can do it here ! Many proposals are expected in order to be able to share as many game ideas as possible that are as unusual as possible that you may have also invented (do not hesitate to specify it) so as to complete the game kit animators!
Writing aid sheet Methodological sheet

Part # 3: Professional Problems

In this section, it is about being at the heart of the profession of director and facilitator. There is a willingness here here to share our daily successes as a manager or facilitator, when we are faced with a professional difficulty. While each situation obviously remains specific, it seems interesting to identify different approaches that are used to solve the same "problem" that appears in our daily professional life. The professional problems that this first issue of this e-review wishes to address come under "human management", both for directors who have to manage a team of animators, and for animators who have to manage conflicts between children.

"Directors' corner"

Professional problem addressed: managing a team of animators You are directors and you have to manage a team of animation! Complex mission isn't it ?! It is expected here that directors express themselves in relation to their way of functioning to manage in the best and most human way possible, this professional problem which all directors face. The proposed text can answer one (or more) of the following questions: - how to ensure that all the animators can find their place within the animation team? - how to succeed in expressing the potential of each of the team leaders? - how to ensure that all the animators feel good within the animation team? - How to organize the daily life of the animators so that they can function independently, without feeling lost? - how to ensure its role of trainer with the animators without doing so for them?

"The animators' corner"

Professional problem addressed: conflict management between children You are animators and you sometimes have to manage conflicts that appear between children! Complex mission isn't it ?! It is expected here that the animators express themselves in relation to their way of functioning to manage as well as possible and as humanely as possible, this professional problem which the animators can face. The proposed text can answer one (or more) of the following questions: - how to manage a conflict between children while maintaining a professional posture? - with which approach / which method do you approach a conflict which appears between two (or more) children? - how to ensure that the problem is managed with kindness and humanism? - how to make sure that the problem is really solved after having dealt with it? You can, during your text, illustrate your point by drawing on a situation already experienced.

Part # 4: Testimonials

In this third part, the idea is to highlight the memorable and emotionally strong experiences that are lived every day, both by adults and by children in ACMs, with the aim of encouraging animation professionals, to continue to invest with passion, and under the guise of the values of popular education.

" Heart stroke "

Animators, directors, this section is made to express your best moments, or events that particularly touched you. The texts that will be proposed here will aim to make us feel the human aspect of the world of animation, which particularly characterizes this profession and which means that, many years later, certain memories are imperishable and remain strong moments in our lives. To help you in writing the article, I suggest the following organization: 1- presentation of the context 2- presentation of the situation 3- presentation of what moved you 4- presentation of what you remember from this situation

"A voice to young people"

Are you doing a writing workshop with the children and you want to promote this activity? Some of your young people want to express themselves and tell in a few lines the great stay they had? A unique experience that marked them? A highlight of a day? The young have the floor !!! Story, poem or any other form of writing is accepted to allow young people, too, to express themselves and make their voices heard!

"The word to the adults"

You are an outside speaker, parent, or even an association or organization leader, you want to express yourself: good news, it's possible! You can share your experiences, professional or personal, always emphasizing the human side that this e-journal wishes to highlight. Text ideas: - external speakers: tell an intervention that particularly marked you (reception of an association or an organization or situation with a child or a group of children), the sharing of your passion, the manner of bring the content of your interventions that puts forward the concern to take into account each of the children for whom you are responsible so that everyone can enjoy practicing ... - parents: the particularly benevolent welcome of your child who has specific needs, a lived situation that marked you ... - leaders: a project that you set up and which had a strong impact on parents / children / the development of your structure ...
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